Arabic Blog

Ma Hijaziyah Vs Ma Tamimiyah

Published: 2018-09-02 • Updated: 2019-03-02

Negation in any language is very common and so in Arabic language. There are multiple ways to negate a sentence in Arabic language and one among them is to use ما at the beginning of sentence.
Again Arabic being a colorful language comes with a colorful set of rules when we use ما to negate a sentence. So without further Ado lets begin and learn its rules (إن شاء الله)

Types of Negation with ما

أَقْسام ما النافية

There are two types of ما النافية in Arabic Grammar

Types of ما النافية

ما النافية الحجازية

Characteristics of ما النافية الحجازية are as follows

  • This ما is used by tribes of Hijaz e.g. Makkah
  • This ما is like ليس in the meaning and also in the function in the sentence.
  • This ما affects the sentence after it i.e. it تعمل
  • Example: ما زيدٌ مجتهداً

Irab of ما زيدٌ مجتهداً

ما ما الحجازية حرف نفي مبني لا محل له من الإعراب

زيد اسم ما الحجازية مرفوع

مجتهداً خبر ما الحجازية منصوب

ما النافية التميمية

Characteristics of ما النافية التميمية are as follows

  • This ما is used by tribes of Bani Tamim
  • This ما doesn't affect the sentence after it i.e. لا تعمل
  • Example: ما زيدٌ مجتهدٌ

Irab of ما زيدٌ مجتهدٌ

ما ما التميمية حرف نفي مبني لا محل له من الإعراب

زيد مبتدأ مرفوع

مجتهداً خبر مرفوع

Quran came down in language of Hijaz i.e. in the language of people of Makkah. So we often find negation with ما النافية الحجازية

Quran Examples:

  • ما هذا بشراً (Ref: 12:31)
    • ما ما الحجازية حرف نفي مبني لا محل له من الإعراب

  • ما هن أمهاتِهم (Ref: 3:144)

One fine point to remember is When we use إلا with ما it doesn't affect the sentence.
Example وما محمدٌ إلا رسولٌ (Ref: 59:2)


Ma Nafiyah

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